A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W 


getAction(String) - Method in class model.DSet
Gets the action corresponding to the specified name.
getActions() - Method in class model.ReactiveRule
Gets the actions that are in the condition clause.
getBinding(Variable) - Method in class model.SubstitutionSet
Gets the binding of the specified variable.
getBody() - Method in class model.Rule
Gets the body of the rule.
getClause() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the clause to prove in the context rules.
getCurrentRule() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the rule on which the node is currently working.
getDeepestLeaf() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the deepest leaf of the tree.
getDelegates() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxLexer
getDelegates() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
getDescription() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxLexer.DFA7
getDSet() - Method in class model.Database
Gets the D set of the database.
getEvent() - Method in class model.DPostDeclaration
Gets the event of the declaration.
getEvents() - Method in class model.CycleHandler
Gets the events/actions that have been decided to be performed during the previous cycle.
getExtensional() - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets the position of the last extensional rule.
getFact(String) - Method in class model.FactSet
Gets the facts corresponding to the name of the parameter.
getFacts() - Method in class model.FactSet
Gets the facts.
getFirstOperand() - Method in class model.AbstractOperator
Gets the first positive operand of the operator.
getFluent() - Method in class model.DPostDeclaration
Gets the fluent of the declaration.
getGoal() - Method in class model.Goal
Gets the predicate form of the goal.
getGoal(String) - Method in class model.GoalSet
Gets the goal corresponding to the specified name.
getGoalsDefinitions() - Method in class model.GoalsList
Gets the goals definitions set.
getGrammarFileName() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxLexer
getGrammarFileName() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
getGroundFluent(SimpleSentence, RuleSet) - Method in class model.DPostDeclaration
Gets the bound fluent according to the bindings of the specified event.
getHead() - Method in class model.Rule
Gets the head of the rule.
getHeadSolutionNode() - Method in class model.AndSolutionNode
Gets the solution node of the and clause's head.
getInstance() - Static method in class model.CycleHandler
Gets the only object of this singleton class.
getInstance() - Static method in class model.Database
This is the method to get an instance of the class.
getInstance() - Static method in class model.GoalsList
This is the method to get an instance of the class.
getInstance() - Static method in class model.ReactiveRuleSet
This is the method to get an instance of the class.
getIntensional() - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets the position of the last intensional rule.
getLimits() - Method in class model.Database
Gets the limits of the fluents and the actions.
getName() - Method in class model.Action
Gets the name of the action.
getName() - Method in class model.Constant
Gets the name of the constant.
getName() - Method in class model.Goal
Gets the name of the goal.
getName() - Method in class model.SimpleSentence
Gets the name of the simple sentence.
getName() - Method in interface model.Unifiable
Gets the name of the expression.
getName() - Method in class model.Variable
Gets the name of the variable.
getNextDefinition() - Method in class model.Goal
Gets the next definition of the goal.
getOperand(int) - Method in class model.AbstractOperator
Gets the operand number index.
getOperand1() - Method in class model.Arithmetic
Gets the left operand of the arithmetic expression.
getOperand1() - Method in class model.Equal
Gets the left operand of the equal sentence.
getOperand2() - Method in class model.Arithmetic
Gets the right operand of the arithmetic expression.
getOperand2() - Method in class model.Equal
Gets the right operand of the equal sentence.
getOperands() - Method in class model.AbstractOperator
Gets all the operands of the operator.
getOperatorTail() - Method in class model.AbstractOperator
Gets the tail of the operator.
getParentNode() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the parent node.
getParentSolution() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the parent solution.
getPredicate() - Method in class model.Action
Gets the predicate representing the action.
getRule(int) - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets the rule at the specified position.
getRuleCount() - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets the size of the set.
getRules() - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets all the rules of the set.
getRuleSet() - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Gets the context rules of the tree.
getRuleSet() - Method in class model.Database
Creates a RuleSet object that represents the state of the entire database (intensional and extensional).
getRuleStandardizedApart(int) - Method in class model.RuleSet
Gets the standardized version of the rule number index.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in class model.And
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in class model.Arithmetic
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in interface model.Clause
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in class model.Equal
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in class model.Not
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSolver(RuleSet, SubstitutionSet, AbstractSolutionNode) - Method in class model.SimpleSentence
Creates a solver which is a node in the tree proof.
getSymbol() - Method in class model.Arithmetic
Gets the symbol of the arithmetic expression.
getTailSolutionNode() - Method in class model.AndSolutionNode
Gets the solution node of the and clause's tail.
getTailSolutionNode() - Method in class model.NotSolutionNode
Gets the solution node of the not clause's tail.
getTerm(int) - Method in class model.SimpleSentence
Gets the term at the specified index.
getTokenNames() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
getType() - Method in class model.SimpleSentenceSolutionNode
Gets the type of the specified rule.
Goal - Class in model
This class represents goals.
Goal(SimpleSentence, RuleSet) - Constructor for class model.Goal
Constructor of the class
Goal(Goal, SimpleSentence) - Constructor for class model.Goal
Constructor of the class
goal - Variable in class model.Goal
goal - Variable in class model.ReactiveRule
goals() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
goals - Variable in class model.GoalSet
goalsDefinitions - Variable in class model.GoalsList
GoalSet - Class in model
This class represents the set where all goals are defined.
GoalSet(Goal...) - Constructor for class model.GoalSet
Constructor of the class.
GoalsList - Class in model
This is a singleton class that represents the goals list of the framework.
GoalsList() - Constructor for class model.GoalsList
Constructor of the class.
goalsList - Variable in class model.GoalsList