A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W 


length() - Method in class model.SimpleSentence
Gets the length which is the number of parameters plus the name of the simple sentence.
lext() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
limit - Variable in class model.SimpleSentenceSolutionNode
limitExceed() - Method in class model.SimpleSentenceSolutionNode
Checks if the limit of waited cycles is exceeded or not.
limits - Variable in class model.Database
limitUpdate() - Method in class model.SimpleSentenceSolutionNode
Updates the limit every cycle.
limitUserInitialization(Set<String>, Set<String>, Scanner) - Static method in class main.JLPS
lint() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser