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reactiveRule() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
ReactiveRule - Class in model
This class represents the reactive rules of a LPS framework.
ReactiveRule(Clause, SimpleSentence) - Constructor for class model.ReactiveRule
Constructor of the class.
reactiveRules() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
reactiveRules - Variable in class model.ReactiveRuleSet
ReactiveRuleSet - Class in model
This singleton class represents the set of all reactive rules of the LPS framework.
ReactiveRuleSet(ReactiveRule...) - Constructor for class model.ReactiveRuleSet
Constructor of the class.
removeFacts(Unifiable) - Method in class model.FactSet
Removes the fact specified in the parameter.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.AbstractOperator
Replaces all the variables in the clause according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.Arithmetic
Replaces all the variables in the arithmetic expression according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.Constant
Replaces all the variables in the constant according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.Equal
Replaces all the variables in the equal clause according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in interface model.PCExpression
Replaces all the variables in the predicate expression according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.ReactiveRule
Replaces all the variables in the reactive rule according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.Rule
Replaces all the variables in the rule according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.SimpleSentence
Replaces all the variables in the simple sentence according to the specified bindings.
replaceVariables(SubstitutionSet) - Method in class model.Variable
Replaces all the variables in the variable according to the specified bindings.
reset(SubstitutionSet, RuleSet) - Method in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
Resets the subtree to the new state of the database and resets all the counters that prevent from infinite evaluation of the node.
reset(SubstitutionSet, RuleSet) - Method in class model.AndSolutionNode
Resets the subtree to the new state of the database and resets all the counters that prevent from infinite evaluation of the node.
reset(SubstitutionSet, RuleSet) - Method in class model.ArithmeticSolutionNode
Resets the subtree to the new state of the database and resets all the counters that prevent from infinite evaluation of the node.
reset() - Method in class model.Goal
Resets the next rule to get.
reset(SubstitutionSet, RuleSet) - Method in class model.NotSolutionNode
Resets the subtree to the new state of the database and resets all the counters that prevent from infinite evaluation of the node.
reset(SubstitutionSet, RuleSet) - Method in class model.SimpleSentenceSolutionNode
Resets the subtree to the new state of the database and resets all the counters that prevent from infinite evaluation of the node.
rule() - Method in class controller.syntax.JLPSSyntaxParser
Rule - Class in model
This class represents the rules of the table of truth.
Rule(SimpleSentence) - Constructor for class model.Rule
Constructor of the class in case of a simple fact.
Rule(SimpleSentence, Clause) - Constructor for class model.Rule
Constructor of the class in case of a backtracking rule.
ruleNumber - Variable in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
rules - Variable in class model.AbstractSolutionNode
rules - Variable in class model.RuleSet
rulesDatabase - Variable in class model.Database
RuleSet - Class in model
This class represents a table of truth.
RuleSet(Rule...) - Constructor for class model.RuleSet
Constructor of the class.
RuleSet(List<Rule>) - Constructor for class model.RuleSet
Constructor of the class.